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Lisa Alsford

Bsc(Hons) PgDipRMN PgDipCBT(HI)

Lisa Alsford has worked in the field of mental health and psychological wellbeing for over 14 years. During this time, she has become increasingly interested in how to support people to live well in the challenges of the modern world.

Lisa is qualified as a Mental Health Nurse and is registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council. Beginning her career as a Registered Mental Health Nurse, she has experience in various settings from community drug and alcohol service to Psychiatric Intensive Care.

Working with people in psychological distress gave rise to a curiosity about which therapies clients can meaningfully engage in to begin to make a difference to their lived experience. This led Lisa to complete her High Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) training at the University of Birmingham. Lisa has been fully accredited by the BABCP since 2012.

Lisa is naturally drawn to therapy approaches which aim to help clients develop psychological flexibility, and she has therefore undertaken training in Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Compassion Focussed Therapy (CFT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). It is through an individualised understanding of the client’s difficulties that she utilises these approaches, empowering clients to change the patterns which create a sense of being stuck.

Working within the NHS as a cognitive Behavioural Therapist, Lisa has successfully helped clients experiencing a wide range of challenges. Lisa is familiar with issues such as Depression, High self-criticism, self-esteem issues, Chronic pain and medically unexplained symptoms, and anxiety disorders such as OCD, Panic and Social anxiety, whether they have become troubling recently or are longstanding.

Lisa is excited to bring her experience and passion for evidence-based therapy to the Think Psychology team.

If you are interested in arranging a consultation, please use the button below to connect to our enquiry form. Alternately, by using any of the available methods on our contact page.

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